Claudia Conway Reveals Horrific ‘Childhood Abuse’ During Emancipation Announcement


Top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway’s daughter Claudia has recently made a name for herself on social media with her harsh criticism of her mother’s longtime boss, Donald Trump. Kellyanne has stuck by the president through cascades of mind-numbing nonsense — but Claudia seems to be sick of it. On Twitter over the weekend, Claudia said that she was “devastated” that her mother would be speaking at the Republican National Committee, and subsequently, she claimed that she was “officially pushing for emancipation.” In a Sunday morning tweet, she said that she was doing so “because of years of childhood trauma and abuse.”

Claudia said:

‘i’m [devastated] that my mother is actually speaking at the RNC. like DEVASTATED beyond compare… i’m officially pushing for emancipation. buckle up because this is probably going to be public one way or another, unfortunately. welcome to my life… my mother’s job ruined my life to begin with. heartbreaking that she continues to go down that path after years of watching her children suffer. selfish. it’s all about money and fame, ladies and gentlemen.’

Kellyanne was the manager for Trump’s campaign at the time of the 2016 general election. She has repeatedly touted this fact as if it’s some kind of accomplishment that folks can look up to, but in reality, she spent all that time supporting the belligerent narcissism of Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, on Sunday morning, among other weekend posts, Claudia added:

‘i’m not getting emancipated because of my mom’s job.. it is because of years of childhood trauma and abuse’

Claudia Conway was trending on Twitter over the weekend. One Twitter user, identifying themselves as “Amy Lynn,” commented in support:

‘Kellyanne’s daughter Claudia Conway is pushing for emancipation and is devastated that her Mom is speaking at the RNC. I can’t imagine having my Mother carry water for tRump and continually defend his lies. Poor girl! I support you Claudia!!’

Claudia is not the only member of the family other than Kellyanne who has garnered some significant attention. George Conway, Kellyanne’s husband/ Claudia’s dad, has done the same. He’s an anti-Trump activist who is one of the individuals behind The Lincoln Project, which is a group of anti-Trump Republicans who have been releasing a stream of hard-hitting video ads ahead of the general election.

Check out Twitter responses to Claudia below:

Screenshot-2020-08-23-at-12.21.20-PM Claudia Conway Reveals Horrific 'Childhood Abuse' During Emancipation Announcement Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-23-at-12.20.48-PM Claudia Conway Reveals Horrific 'Childhood Abuse' During Emancipation Announcement Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-23-at-12.20.22-PM Claudia Conway Reveals Horrific 'Childhood Abuse' During Emancipation Announcement Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-23-at-12.19.56-PM Claudia Conway Reveals Horrific 'Childhood Abuse' During Emancipation Announcement Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-23-at-12.19.38-PM Claudia Conway Reveals Horrific 'Childhood Abuse' During Emancipation Announcement Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories