Trump Caught Denying White Privilege Exists In Leaked Audio Tape


It’s less than six weeks before Election Day, and for Donald Trump, the hits keep coming. On Wednesday, the revelations in Watergate reporter Bob Woodward’s new book, Rage, due to be released on September 15, rocked the White House and caught Trump on tape lying about his response to COVID-19. In other portions of the interviews Trump sat for with Woodward, he made inflammatory statements on race relations in the United States, and he can’t talk his way out of this one.

In one conversation, Woodward attempted to broach the subject of white privilege with a president who grew up wealthy, attended the best military schools, and received millions of dollars in inheritance money from his father. Somehow, that president doesn’t understand white privilege.

According to The Washington Post:

‘Woodward asked the president about White privilege, noting that they were both White men of the same generation who had privileged upbringings. Woodward suggested that they had a responsibility to better “understand the anger and pain” felt by Black Americans.

‘“No,” Trump replied, his voice described by Woodward as mocking and incredulous. “You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn’t you? Just listen to you. Wow. No, I don’t feel that at all.”’

Trump can deny that white privilege exists although he is the most shining example of it, but a multitude of facts bear out claims that white Americans fare better than black Americans. Disparities in income, housing, criminal justice, and education are not deniable based on statistics and a president who dismisses the plight of 13 percent of voters due to the color of their skin is a prime example of white privilege in itself. When confronted on the subject, Trump complained that black people just aren’t grateful enough for what he’s given them.

‘As Woodward pressed Trump to understand the plight of Black Americans after generations of discrimination, inequality and other atrocities, the president kept answering by pointing to economic numbers such as the pre-pandemic unemployment rate for Blacks and claiming, as he often has publicly, that he has done more for Blacks than any president except perhaps Abraham Lincoln.

‘In another conversation about race, on July 8, Trump complained about his lack of support among Black voters. “I’ve done a tremendous amount for the Black community,” he told Woodward. “And, honestly, I’m not feeling any love.”’

Trump was willing to admit to Woodward that systemic racism exists, although in his white experience it isn’t as bad as in other places, but still struggles to understand the term “white privilege.” Critical thinking is not exactly Trump’s strongest suit, nor are facts, but Trump’s ignorance is damaging and even life-threatening for a significant number of people in this country.

‘They spoke again about race relations on June 22, when Woodward asked Trump whether he thinks there is “systemic or institutional racism in this country.”

‘“Well, I think there is everywhere,” Trump said. “I think probably less here than most places. Or less here than many places.”

‘Asked by Woodward whether racism “is here” in the United States in a way that affects people’s lives, Trump replied: “I think it is. And it’s unfortunate. But I think it is.”’