Top Adviser Breaks From Trump To Admit Biden Is Likely President-Elect


President Donald Trump and many of his top allies have fought against the results of the recent presidential election, which Trump lost, at just about every turn. Just this week, Trump has repeatedly publicly claimed that he won the election, despite the clearly documented fact that President-elect Joe Biden is the winner. Robert O’Brien, the president’s national security adviser, has now seemingly admitted to the fact that Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris seem to be on their way to the White House, and his admission is a stark contrast from the ludicrous claim from the president himself that he’s on his way to a second term.

O’Brien, who replaced John Bolton in his current job, made his admission during a recent global security forum hosted by an organization called the Soufan Center. O’Brien said, in part, as follows:

‘We may have policy disagreements, but, look, if the Biden-Harris ticket is determined to be the winner, and, you know, obviously, things look that way now, we’ll have a very professional transition from the national security council. There’s no question about it. And the great thing is, this is the United States of America — We’ve passed the baton and had peaceful, successful transitions, even in the most contentious periods.’

Accepting the results of the recent election shouldn’t be a political achievement, but Trump’s refusal to accept reality and top Republicans’ willingness to go along with the president’s charades have placed the bar very low. Just recently, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “joked” that there will be a “smooth transition to a second Trump administration.”

No matter the total inappropriateness of a top State Department official “joking” about essentially overthrowing the results of a democratic election, Trump definitely isn’t joking. On Twitter, he recently claimed that “millions of ballots… have been altered by Democrats, only for Democrats,” which is just unequivocally false. The Department of Homeland Security itself has confirmed that there is “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” That statement doesn’t exactly sound open to interpretation. The question of the security of the basic processes of the recent presidential election has been conclusively answered.