Hillary Berates GOP With ‘No Spines’ Over Trump’s SCOTUS Fantasy


These must be sweet days for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump lost in front of the whole country. Everyone has seen what a loser he is. In the 2016 presidential election, Trump cheated with the help of Russia’s Vladimir Putin to win. Yet, it still burns him that Clinton won the popular vote by three million votes.

He and the Republican party have tried to prosecute her for what appears like a quaint charge given Trump’s many, many serious crimes. The Republican-held House grilled her mercilessly for 11 hours and came up empty.

Now, Clinton is getting her revenge as Trump blunders down a pathway of shame. She compared his situation to that of the Hans Christian Anderson tale of the Emperor with no clothes. How apt:

‘The election was not close. There was no evidence of fraud. The states have certified the results. Yet Trump continues to try to overturn the election at the expense of our democracy. The emperor has no clothes. Republican electeds who continue to humor him have no spines.’

Screen-Shot-2020-12-10-at-10.49.44-AM Hillary Berates GOP With 'No Spines' Over Trump's SCOTUS Fantasy Featured Feminism Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories

State Representative Ryan Bizzarro (D-PA) talked to The New York Times.

‘Those who are continuing to beat on this drum that the election was rigged are trying to appease Trump’s base and get their support early on.

‘Forget all the Democrats who voted by mail — look at all the Republicans who voted by mail,” he said. “Are you saying their voice isn’t as important as the fringe who are blind to facts and the ways our Constitution clearly lays out elections?’

Representative Matt Cartwright (D-PA) pointed at the Republican’s lack of courage regarding the “electoral slate.” It requires the endorsement of one member of the House and one senator when Congress…on Jan. 6 to accept the electoral votes:

‘I’d bet my last dollar that vote will fail. But what will be really interesting is to see which of the Republican members have the courage to ignore that request from Pennsylvania’s General Assembly.’

Twitter world lit up at the mention of Clinton’s name. Take a few minutes to see what some of our favorite responding tweets had to say.

Screen-Shot-2020-12-10-at-10.54.48-AM Hillary Berates GOP With 'No Spines' Over Trump's SCOTUS Fantasy Featured Feminism Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-10-at-10.53.28-AM Hillary Berates GOP With 'No Spines' Over Trump's SCOTUS Fantasy Featured Feminism Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-10-at-10.54.03-AM Hillary Berates GOP With 'No Spines' Over Trump's SCOTUS Fantasy Featured Feminism Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-10-at-10.54.15-AM Hillary Berates GOP With 'No Spines' Over Trump's SCOTUS Fantasy Featured Feminism Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-10-at-10.54.28-AM Hillary Berates GOP With 'No Spines' Over Trump's SCOTUS Fantasy Featured Feminism Hillary Clinton Politics Top Stories The Mueller Report Adventures: In Bite-Sizes on this Facebook page. These quick, two-minute reads interpret the report in normal English for busy people. Mueller Bite-Sizes uncovers what is essentially a compelling spy mystery. Interestingly enough, Mueller Bite-Sizes can be read in any order.