Schiff Publicly Shames Trump Over Deluge Of Corrupt Behavior


Donald Trump did a good thing. Of course, it was not on purpose. He let six months of relief money negotiations for the coronavirus tragedy continue, pass, and Congress go home. Then, he said “Nah. I want to give Americans not Senate Leader Mitch Grim Reaper McConnell’s (R-KY) measly $600 but $2,000.” He had wanted that all along, but everyone around him said “No.” So, he gets even with those staffers and Moscow Mitch at the same time. Then, Trump did something very, very bad.

Democratic leader Adam Schiff (D-CA) summed up the situation beautifully. He pointed out that $2,000 is the amount Democrats had wanted since the beginning. Of course, he should remember that Donald has an automatic response. Rebellion. It might behoove Democrats to tell him not to sign it. Schiff probably did not write his latest tweet for the president, just us, but just saying. He tweeted:

‘Listen, Democrats have been fighting for bigger relief checks for months. All while Trump was missing in action — playing golf, lying about the election, pardoning crooks. If he’s serious about the checks, he needs to get Republicans out of the way. Let’s make this happen.’

Screen-Shot-2020-12-23-at-11.02.34-AM Schiff Publicly Shames Trump Over Deluge Of Corrupt Behavior Corruption Crime Featured Politics Top Stories

Here is where everything went bad. In the pardon tree, Donald pardoned two possible Russian spies, three corrupt congressmen who supported him at the very beginning, and four stone-cold killers.

These four pardons were the worst of all, and this was truly grotesque. They worked for what was then called Blackwater, basically a mercenary organization that filled in the spots where the US military was thin — for an extremely expensive fee. The four men let loose with machine guns and grenade launchers on innocent Iraqi citizens in the Nisour Square Massacre. They killed 17 men, women, and children before another team member put a gun to their heads to stop them.

These are the people Trump likes. That is a show stopper. We pause to come out of our stunned silence.

Then, the question becomes “Why?” They worked for the brother of Secretary of State Betsy DeVos, both huge Republican candidate contributors. Erik Prince started Blackwater. He was also at the Seychelles Islands doing POTUS an election favor, according to The Washington Post. Plus, he offered Trump a small private army. Word was, the president said no.

‘Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladi­mir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials.’

Twitter world lit up so much that the tweets could be seen from the Space Station. Take a look at some of our favorite responses below:

Screen-Shot-2020-12-23-at-11.06.47-AM Schiff Publicly Shames Trump Over Deluge Of Corrupt Behavior Corruption Crime Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-23-at-11.02.54-AM Schiff Publicly Shames Trump Over Deluge Of Corrupt Behavior Corruption Crime Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-23-at-11.05.46-AM Schiff Publicly Shames Trump Over Deluge Of Corrupt Behavior Corruption Crime Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-12-23-at-11.05.59-AM Schiff Publicly Shames Trump Over Deluge Of Corrupt Behavior Corruption Crime Featured Politics Top Stories

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