Lindsey Graham Publicly Ditches The 11-GOP Traitors


The most disliked man in the Senate, Ted Cruz (R-TX), rallied a group of his Republican cohorts in a scheme to fight against the Electoral College’s votes against Donald Trump. Cruz wanted to stop President-elect Joe Biden’s 2020 win. Then, one of Donald Trump’s most loyal senators figuratively lifted up his boot and shoved the whole group down like pins in a bowling alley. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was that senator.

He went after the group chasing them with logic, saying the commission that Cruz wanted “has zero chance of becoming reality:”

‘Proposing a commission at this late date – which has zero chance of becoming reality – is not effectively fighting for President Trump. It appears to be more of a political dodge than an effective remedy.’

Screen-Shot-2021-01-03-at-11.11.16-AM Lindsey Graham Publicly Ditches The 11-GOP Traitors Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

One of the wayward senators, Senator James Lankford (R-OK) said on Fox News Saturday:

‘We’ve asked a very simple question: Can we put together an electoral commission, have five senators, five House members, five members of the Supreme Court? This is exactly how it was set up in 1876 when there was three states that had all kinds of fraud issues.’

Lankford continued:

‘And so the election commission was set up at that time in 1876, just like this, to be able to study it, look at it, make recommendations. We think that’s a good plan. Obviously, there are millions and millions of Americans that think there are major issues with the election.’

Lankford said that he wants a commission to get to the bottom of how the election played out in these states, regardless of who the true winner is.

‘No matter how this turns out, we want the facts to come out. We want to make sure every legal vote is counted and votes that aren’t legal are not counted. But regardless of where it goes at the end of it, it goes wherever the American people chose.’

Twitter world went nuts over Graham’s tweet. Take a look at some of our favorites below:

Screen-Shot-2021-01-03-at-11.16.02-AM Lindsey Graham Publicly Ditches The 11-GOP Traitors Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2021-01-03-at-11.12.35-AM Lindsey Graham Publicly Ditches The 11-GOP Traitors Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2021-01-03-at-11.13.53-AM Lindsey Graham Publicly Ditches The 11-GOP Traitors Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2021-01-03-at-11.14.06-AM Lindsey Graham Publicly Ditches The 11-GOP Traitors Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2021-01-03-at-11.15.33-AM Lindsey Graham Publicly Ditches The 11-GOP Traitors Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

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