Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad’s Twitter Ban


Donald Trump, Jr. once wrote a book called Triggered in which he lashed out at the “fragile egos” of those who are offended by others. It seems he forgot all about the recriminations he wrote in that bogus best-seller about whiny crybabies when he turned into one after his father was permanently banned from Twitter for inciting a riot that killed five people.

Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.11.21-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter

Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.11.40-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter

Of course, Junior was also one of those who incited that riot, standing in front of an angry mob who had openly planned on storming the Capitol Building with guns intending to take over the government and warning lawmakers arguing about certifying a legal and certified election result that “we’re coming for you…I suggest you choose wisely.”

It goes without saying that there are limits to our right to free speech in the United States of America. We have the right to speak our minds but not to lie about other people in ways that damage their lives, because that’s libel. We also don’t have the right to yell “fire” in a crowded theater, because people will inevitably get hurt.

Or maybe five people, including one of the police officers the Trumps have sworn they support more than the Left, might die.

Trump’s Twitter expulsion was long coming. It’s true that other and worse people have Twitter accounts, but using the platform to incite riots or organize crime is against the terms of service that all Twitter users agree to. STrump, Jr. should be more worried about the rights he took away from five people rather than the real-time consequences his father faces by being banned from a social media account.

Twitter was mostly just skeptical that Junior had ever read the book 1984, or any other book. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.21.18-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.20.55-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.20.30-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.20.17-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.20.01-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.19.38-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.18.27-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.16.55-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.16.24-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2021-01-08-at-8.15.22-PM Don Jr Has Child-Like Hissy-Fit Over Dad's Twitter Ban Conspiracy Theory Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter