Seth Rogen Dunks On Ted Cruz For Abandoning Texas Voters


Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), who is the first to point fingers at anyone on the left who he thinks should be criticized, is under fire himself for flying on vacation to Cancun, Mexico while winter storms have knocked out power and water for millions of Americans in the state.

So far, the right has argued that Cruz couldn’t have done anything to help anyway (Texans were likely aware of that, anyway) and his spokespeople have said the plan was just for him to escort his family to Texas and then immediately return, which is contradictory considering that he left with a lot of luggage and didn’t book his return flight home until Thursday morning when the public outrage boiled over.

Of course, Cruz could have stayed and tried to work with officials on the best way to get the power and water back on for those in imminent danger of freezing and starving in the state he represents. He could have immediately flown to Washington, D.C. to work on legislation to regulate the power grid in Texas. In fact, he co

Even worse, the outrage over his vacation is so worrisome to him in terms of his safety that he’s now interrupting Houston police officers trying to deal with the crisis that has already killed 21 people in Texas in order to escort him through the airport safely.