‘MyPillow Guy’ Says New Evidence Will Make Trump President In August


What exactly is up with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell these days? The ardent Trump ally, who helped promote the lie that the 2020 presidential election was rigged for Biden in the lead-up to the current president’s actual inauguration, is still at it. During a new appearance on ex-Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s podcast, Lindell proclaimed — in total seriousness — that Trump will be president again come August. This re-ascension of Trump to the presidency will, Lindell claimed, take place after a lawsuit from the CEO presenting supposed evidence of imaginary election-rigging.

Lindell sounds like he’s out of his mind. There’s barely any other way to say it at this point. He is not living in reality — instead, he’s perpetuating willful ignorance that is totally disconnected from the basic facts of how political processes actually work. As he belligerently put it:

‘What I’m talking about, Steve, is what I have been doing since January 9 — all the evidence I have, everything is going to go before the Supreme Court, and the election of 2020 is going bye-bye. It was an attack by other countries, Communism coming in — I don’t know what they’re gonna do with it after they pull it down, but… Donald Trump will be back in office in August.’

Lindell is currently facing a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems, which was a subject of some election conspiracy theories, but he’s not stopping. Check out his comments below:

At this point, for Lindell’s claims of imaginary voter fraud to be true, basically the entirety of every meaningful level of government in just about every state and Washington, D.C., would have to be secretly controlled by election fraudsters. The number of people whose cooperation would be needed for a nationwide election-rigging scheme to install Joe Biden as president would likely be in the thousands if not tens of thousands. There’s no truth to any of this — it’s delusional fantasy. It’s not reality; it’s a cultish fairy tale.

Although Lindell’s brazen insistence that Trump will soon retake the presidency is ridiculous, he is not alone in his general idea that the 2020 presidential election was rigged for Biden. Trump himself is still pushing this claim well after leaving office, no matter the fact that the level of secret coordination that would have been needed for a nationwide scheme to rig the presidential election is just gigantic. Where is the evidence? Where were the secret meetings? Where are the planning documents? Who was in charge? What was the hierarchy of the plan like? Trump, of course, can’t answer any of these questions, because he’s pushing total nonsense.