Biden’s Approval Ratings Jump Again As GOP Brand Implodes


In a new Harvard CAPS/Harris survey, a full 62 percent of respondents revealed that they strongly or somewhat approve of the job that Joe Biden is doing as president, while just 38 percent of respondents indicated that they disapprove. In a May 2017 survey from the same pollster, then-President Donald Trump got the approval of just 45 percent of respondents, revealing that Biden stands over 15 percent ahead of where Trump was at a comparable point of his presidency, according to this pollster.

In the new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, a full 70 percent of respondents said that they approve of the job that Biden is doing handling COVID-19. A full 53 percent of respondents even indicated that they approve of the job that Biden is doing handling immigration, although Republicans literally across the country have tried to use precarious conditions at the southern border as some kind of rhetorical cudgel against the Biden administration rather than actually engaging with the issues at hand. Republicans prefer theatrics, apparently.

The high levels of approval for Biden could provide a boost to Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections, when control of both chambers of Congress will be on the line. Potential Democratic Senate seat pick-ups loom in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, while other square-offs have been taking shape elsewhere. Before the midterms arrive, Democrats are hoping to — among other agenda items — pass an ambitious infrastructure spending package providing for investments in key initiatives across the country. Infrastructure spending proposals have also proven popular in polling.