Terrified Trump Has Friday Freak Out After Facebook Extends Suspension


Former President Donald Trump isn’t exactly responding well to Facebook’s decision to extend their suspension of him to two years. On Friday, Facebook announced that they’d be keeping the former president off the platform for at least that long after he incited deadly violence at the Capitol earlier this year, with the two years starting from the time of the original suspension. In a statement released via his political action committee, Trump called Facebook’s decision “an insult.”

Trump had used Facebook and Twitter — the latter of which also removed him from the platform after the Capitol riot — to spread his delusional idea that the 2020 presidential election was somehow rigged for Joe Biden, and in his statement responding to Facebook’s suspension decision, he reiterated that nonsense. Trump’s rigged election lies directly inspired the January violence at the Capitol, where his supporters tried to forcibly stop the Congressional certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

After the announcement of Facebook’s two-year suspension for Trump, he commented as follows:

‘Facebook’s ruling is an insult to the record-setting 75M people, plus many others, who voted for us in the 2020 Rigged Presidential Election. They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing, and ultimately, we will win. Our Country can’t take this abuse anymore!’

Oh boo-hoo. Check out Trump’s statement by clicking on the post below:

Trump claims that he is getting censored and silenced, and yet, he’s making that claim in a statement distributed to a national audience via his powerful political action committee, undercutting his own idea. He’s also been on Fox News, Newsmax, and elsewhere in the time since his removals from Facebook and Twitter, so — according to any reasonable definition of the word — there’s no silencing here! Fox is broadcast into millions of American homes on a daily basis — and yet, conservatives still hold fast to their self-obsessed victim complex.

Facebook has stated that they’d re-examine the potential “risk to public safety” of letting the former president back on the platform at the end of Trump’s two-year suspension, but it doesn’t exactly seem like he has any intention of toning down his rhetoric. Reporting from Maggie Haberman of The New York Times recently revealed that Trump thinks he’s going to be reinstated as president by August of this year because of supposedly imminent revelations of systematic election fraud. In other words, a former president is harboring a fantasy about the overthrow of the current United States government. That’s not great!