Authoritarian Putin Shows Trump Ropes Of Breaking Opponents


The Republicans are implementing a slow-motion coup as they obstruct and write bizarre state voter restriction laws in a stampede toward an authoritarian government. The party of Trump no longer can be considered a democratic party. Maybe, they should take a look at what they are buying with their actions.

Donald Trump admires Russian dictator Vladimir Putin even when it was pointed out that he killed journalists. Trump’s response was “We kill people, too.” The ex-president told Secretary Hillary Clinton during the televised 2016 presidential debates that he would put her in prison. We heard, but we did not believe. Maybe we should.

Putin incarcerated his opponent, activist Alexei Navalny. Earlier, he had poisoned the activist, but it did not work. A German hospital identified the poison and brought him back to health, according to Reuters‘ special report:

‘Former inmates of the jail holding Vladimir Putin’s main rival were subjected to beatings, medical neglect and severe psychological pressure. “They are crushing the prisoner as an individual,” says a former prisons inspector.’

Former inmates say prison is set up to break them. The IK-2 Male Correctional Colony east of Moscow is where he started serving two a one-half-year sentence.

In the1940’s, the Russians rounded up their Polish neighbors and imprisoned them in gulags. Zbigniew Gliniecki was later invited to the United States to work on the Apollo launch tower, which has been proposed as a national monument. He was captured in the dead of the night along with his entire family, including small children, his son Stefan Glineicki told The Bipartisan Report. .

In the work camps, Gliniecki’s whole family had to sleep in just the one bed for nearly three years. This in spite of insufficient heat in the harsh Russian winters, inadequate food, and poor clothing. Not everyone survived. The youngest were twins aged one and one-half years old, and they died in the camp.

Gliniecki’s father had been a government official, so this was his Russian re-education program. Both Navalny and Gliniecki were imprisoned near Moscow for the same purpose.

Former inmates told Reuters the prisoners experience:

  • regular beatings by guards
  • sexual assaults
  • severe psychological pressure
  • personal medical supplies routinely confiscated
  • AIDS and tuberculosis
  • only gravely ill patients hospitalized
  • medical staff just handed out painkillers
  • prisoners were forced to remain on their feet most of the day repeating inane tasks, much as Gliniecki had to do
  • sleep was forbidden before 10 p.m.
  • prisoners banned from speaking to the punished one
  • isolation

Akir Mirzoyev, a former prisons inspector said:

‘They are crushing the prisoner as an individual and calling it the betterment of a person. That is the main aim.’

Navalny’s allies said he refused treatment, because he “feared it may even be detrimental.” He said:

‘[I could] easily believe stories.’

Prisoners were being beaten half to death with wooden hammers and experienced harsh discipline:

‘Except the enemy is within, and they [Russians] are destroying the prisoner as the enemy.’

A former prison inspector said:

‘[I]f for instance you speak to Kotov and it’s banned, then that’s it – you’ve had it. You’ll definitely be taken away for a beating. The psyche of a person collapses when they’re in jail for half a year, a year or two years – and they don’t speak to anyone.’

Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.