Warnock Tears Into The GOP Traitors Over Blatant Vote Suppression


Democrats are in a battle for the life of our American Democracy, because we have a broken system, one the Republicans broke. The Heritage Foundation had ready pre-written laws for state and local Republicans in red states to pass the day President Joe Biden won. There was no voter fraud. The new 400-plus laws are about voter nullification.

Republicans cannot win fairly on the merits. There was no voter fraud. And there were no consequences when Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) switched the rules and the filibuster on whim after whim. Now, they refuse to even talk about it.

WNBC star Renee Montgomery joined businesses to support the For the People Act, for voting rights. She said on MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace’s show Deadline White House:

‘Oh, we got something…Citizen action! we understand our power.’

Former Chair of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele added:

‘We know the big lie. But How will we play it? Republicans underestimating voters. You can put the ballot box in black box in a corner in a haunted house, and we’ll find it.’

Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) took the Senate floor defending voter rights in a moving speech, The Huffington Post reported:

‘What we do or fail to do will have long-lasting and far-reaching implications for the health, viability, and vitality of the world’s greatest democracy.’

He spoke about Republican’s widespread voter suppression and warned the states:

‘[H]ere partisan actors and power-hungry politicians have acted along partisan lines to make it harder ― not easier ― for eligible voters to cast a ballot and guarantee that that ballot will actually count.’

‘I sincerely believe that what we do or fail to do will have long-lasting and far-reaching implications for the health, viability and vitality of the world’s greatest democracy.’

‘Simple request for my colleagues: Let’s do our job. Resist the easy route ― the temptation to hide behind Senate procedure, and let’s have a principled conversation in front of the American people about voting rights.’

President Barack Obama invited Senator Kirsten Sinema (D-AZ) to the White House, and she wrote an op-ed for The Washinton Post:

‘What could be more hypocritical and cynical than invoking minority rights in the Senate as a pretext for preventing debate about how to preserve minority rights in the society?’

She claimed, Americans had “more to lose than gain” by eliminating the filibuster:

‘What could be more hypocritical and cynical than invoking minority rights in the Senate as a pretext for preventing debate about how to preserve minority rights in the society?’

In his first speech before Congress, Senator Warnock compared the Republicans broad voter suppression to:

‘Jim Crow in new clothes (racist Jim Crow laws first introduced in the late 19th century). I warned, then, that the cords of our democracy were dangerously frayed. Since I gave that speech, things have only gotten worse.’

Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.