Jobs Growth Hits Highest Point In 40 Years As Biden Popularity Grows


We would not let a con artist operate on someone in our family with coronavirus complications unless we really did not like that member. We would not allow a reality show host to coach an Olympic gymnastic team, either. Nor would we accept a many times bankrupted corrupt businessman handle our kids’ college fund. Yet, that was exactly what happened in America. We hired this guy and handed him our lives. Okay, Russia put him in office, still, we were so shocked we just stood by wringing our hands. But there is a new man in town with over half a century of on-the-job training.

Screen-Shot-2021-07-19-at-12.27.06-PM Jobs Growth Hits Highest Point In 40 Years As Biden Popularity Grows Coronavirus Economy Featured Politics Top Stories
CBS News Poll.

The new CBS News Poll reflected how warmly Americans hold President Biden. Why? Because the new president has compassion, hope, and character. When he promises something to us, he delivers.

In 2020, Americans of all parties rose up and said “No more!” We brought in the brain surgeon of presidents, the all-star coach of Democracy, and the most money-making president around. We brought in a heavy-weight professional, and what a difference that made. Americans did not realize we had been holding our breaths for four years just hoping the country could withstand Donald Trump.

Screen-Shot-2021-07-19-at-12.26.51-PM Jobs Growth Hits Highest Point In 40 Years As Biden Popularity Grows Coronavirus Economy Featured Politics Top Stories
CBS News Poll.

Over 34 million of our friends, family members, and coworkers fell under the pandemic’s curse. And over 600,000 of them did not make it, according to Yahoo News. Their families and those around them will never be the same. Trump killed off our economy and firebombed the foundational institutions and norms that held strong for centuries.

Screen-Shot-2021-07-19-at-12.27.15-PM Jobs Growth Hits Highest Point In 40 Years As Biden Popularity Grows Coronavirus Economy Featured Politics Top Stories
CBS News Poll.

President Joe Biden came as the right person at the right time. He surprised us with his promise to take back the middle and working classes from the billionaires and biggest businesses.

Just look what he said today:

‘Before I took office people were making bold predictions about how it would turn out. You might remember some of the predictions. That if I became president we would “See a depression, the likes of which we have never seen.”’

Screen-Shot-2021-07-19-at-12.27.24-PM Jobs Growth Hits Highest Point In 40 Years As Biden Popularity Grows Coronavirus Economy Featured Politics Top Stories
CBS News Poll..

President Joe Biden created more jobs in three months, not only leaving Trump in the dust but every other president. Just this week, he put up to $300 per child in people’s bank accounts, depending upon the age of these children. He commented in a press conference to the American people:

‘It is true that the economy was sputtering before I got here, adding only 60,000 jobs a month and for three months before I was sworn in. Now six months later we have changed that. We went from 60,000 a month to 60,000 every three days.’

Screen-Shot-2021-07-19-at-12.26.02-PM Jobs Growth Hits Highest Point In 40 Years As Biden Popularity Grows Coronavirus Economy Featured Politics Top Stories
CBS News Poll.


‘More than three million new jobs all told. That is the fastest growth I’m told at this point in any administration’s history.’

POTUS has been delivering. He provided coronvirus vaccinations to anyone who wanted them and within five minutes of their homes. He rounded up a team of Clydesdales experts in their fields, told them what he wanted done, and let them loose to make it so. That meant swift change for the better in numerous areas including the economy. Wryly, President Biden quipped:

‘Another prediction and it is my favorite, I must add, is that if I got elected I bring the end to capitalism. I never understood that one, but we heard it an awful lot.’

Screen-Shot-2021-07-19-at-12.26.15-PM Jobs Growth Hits Highest Point In 40 Years As Biden Popularity Grows Coronavirus Economy Featured Politics Top Stories
CBS News Poll.

‘Six years in, experiencing the highest economic growth rate in nearly 40 years.’

President Biden currently enjoys a 58% approval rating in the polls. People know that he has been delivering for them, delivering hope and success.

Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.