Senator Warnock Asks America To Save Democracy From GOP Suppression


It is a coup in slow motion. In Donald Trump’s family, the worst thing a person could be labeled was “loser.” Maybe that is why he is doing everything he can to steal the election from President Joe Biden. Our mistake is in believing that the big man can only pursue a one-track coup at a time. Of course, there is that added bonus that presidents have not gone to jail in the past.

Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) was the senator who threw the Senate majority to the Democrats. That one vote has made it possible for them to head the committees and gave Dems the ability to pass any legislation, as long as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (D-NY) can keep them all together.

Yet, the reverend’s seat is not secure. All Republican-dominated state legislators have introduced draconian voter laws. The Heritage Foundation handed out prepared bills to the states immediately after President Joe Biden won. The GOP is well aware that the only way they can win is via gerrymandering and voter suppression. These new bills focus on the latter.

It seems tragic that the Democrats in charge of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives have not been able to pass two bills to fix the fractured voting system. Yet, that is where things stand. At least two senators refuse to end the filibuster.

Reverend Warnock compared our democracy to a “house on fire.” That is no hyperbole. He tweeted:

‘As Americans, we live in the house that democracy built, but due to the voter suppression we’re seeing across the country, that house is on fire. Let’s extinguish the flames and ensure every eligible voter is heard.’

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