Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Permanently Banned From Twitter


The personal Twitter account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has been permanently banned from the platform for violating the company’s policies against spreading misinformation about COVID-19. Permanent bans are the company’s consequence for five or more violations of the policy. Greene still has an official account on the site associated with her status as a Congresswoman, but — like Trump while in office — Greene had focused on perpetrating her incendiary rhetoric through the personal account. Greene has directed a significant chunk of her attention while in power to cultivating a public persona rather than securing legislative accomplishments that can benefit the people of her district.

Screenshot-2022-01-02-10.16.16-AM Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Permanently Banned From Twitter Politics Social Media Top Stories

Greene now joins her beloved Trump in being banned, in a personal capacity, from Twitter. It’s now been almost a year since former President Donald Trump was banned from Twitter because of his role in inciting the violence at the Capitol, which unfolded last January — almost a year ago, even though Justice Department officials have continued to clock new arrests connected to the attack on the Capitol throughout recent weeks.

Greene herself, it’s worth noting, is among those on the side of Trump and the Capitol attackers. She has been a prominent promoter of the lies about the integrity of last year’s presidential election that inspired the violence, and in the time since, she’s taken it upon herself to promote claims of mistreatment of detainees associated with the violence — although the theatrics that she’s used in doing so aren’t necessary. She has showed up at the D.C. jail where Capitol rioters have been being held more than once with a camera crew (and fellow far-right members of Congress) in tow. She was removed from her committee spots in the House last year after it resurfaced that she’d expressed support on social media for executing prominent Democrats, so she’s apparently got some extra time to fill.

Greene responded to her suspension from Twitter with a predictably antagonistic statement shared elsewhere. She called Twitter “an enemy to America” and said that it “can’t handle the truth.” She added that “[they] can’t successfully complete a Communist revolution when people tell the truth”… although it’s unclear that she could even legitimately define Communism, which is a term that she’s frequently slung against her political opponents, despite the fact that to pretend as though any mainstream Democratic interest whatsoever is trying to bring — or has already brought — Communism to the United States is utterly ridiculous.