Terrified Trump Flies Into Friday Mega-Rant Over Biden Speech


Of course, Donald Trump had a problem with Joe Biden’s speech on January 6. President Biden stood exactly where the MAGA mob breached the Capitol on that horrific day and in essence, the scrappy Irish kid in him told the ex-president to bring it on.

As usual, Trump whined about being a victim after Biden came down on him.

‘These radical leftists in Washington care NOTHING for American Democracy. All they care about is control over you, and wealth and riches for themselves. But they are failing. No one believes them anymore. And the day is quicky [sic] coming when they will be overwhelmingly voted out of power.’


The ex-president continued:

‘Joe Biden’s voice is now the voice of desperation and despair. His handlers gave him that speech to read yesterday because they know the unprecedented failures of his presidency and the left-wing extremism of the Pelosi-Schumer Congress have destroyed the Democrat Party.’

Trump claimed that the January 6th failed coup was “a hoax.” We wonder how the members of Trump’s Capitol-breaching gang handled that piece of news.

It was almost as if the ex-president was talking about himself. But in actuality, he was projecting his own reality onto President Joe Biden and the Democrats:

‘[Democrats] cannot sustain the preposterous fabrications.’


Then, it became obvious how hard the ex-president worked to accuse Biden of his own dreadful actions:

‘The American People also see that January 6 has become the Democrats’ excuse and pretext for the most chilling assault on the civil liberties of American citizens in generations.’

The former president continued, adding to his rant his “political prisoners,” who were really criminals:

‘It is being used to justify outrageous attacks on free speech, widespread censorship, de-platforming, calls for increased domestic surveillance, appalling abuse of political prisoners, labeling opponents of COVID lockdowns and mandates as national security threats, and even ordering the FBI to target parents who object to the radical indoctrination of their children in school.’

Trump’s rant continued with a whole rash of his lies:

‘And this week, January 6 is also the Democrats’ excuse for trying to pass a radical Federal takeover of state election law. They are trying to BAN voter ID and other basic measures that can ensure the sacred integrity of the vote.’

We think of a giant Trump spider weaving his “web of lies:”

‘The former president of the United States of America has created and spread a web of lies about the 2020 election.’

People can only hope that Trump’s projections turn around and bite The Donald in his assets.

Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads a chapter from her book of the same title. She also writes for the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery (in process). Find her here on Facebook.