Trump’s ‘Secure’ Border Wall Is Falling Apart & Letting People Through


The ex-president’s attempt to build a fiercesome, outrageously expensive wall along the border between Mexico and the United States in California and Arizona is failing. The project earned Donald Trump and his cronies big money but did little to stop the smugglers. One year ago, they hacked a hole big enough to accommodate two SUVs, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection maintenance records read. These came to The Washington Post via The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Customs and Border Patrol’s (CBP) maintenance records showed:

‘CBP recorded 891 breaches during fiscal 2019, 906 during fiscal 2020 and 1,475 during fiscal 2021.’

The agents and those living on the border claimed that smugglers and migrants saw the best results. The smugglers also used tall ladders and built homemade bollards (poles) in a successful attempt to short out the bollards, The Yahoo News reported. They also used ropes with knots to descend, YouTube showed.

CBP officials say that border security keep bollard fencing to provide increased children across the border. Mexican smuggler gangs just sawed through Trump’s border wall with cheap power tools. In the past three years, they have breached his wall 3,272 times as noted by published U.S. Customs and Border Protection maintenance records obtained by the Washington Post under the Freedom of Information Act:

‘Smuggling gangs typically cut the barrier with inexpensive power tools widely available at retail hardware stores, including angle grinders and demolition saws. Once the 18-to-30-foot-tall bollards are severed near the ground, their only remaining point of attachment is at the top of the structure, leaving the steel beam dangling in the air. It easily swings open with a push, creating a gap wide enough for people and narcotics to pass through.’

Miranda spoke about the information on the ex-president’s “impenetrable” structure released a statement that read for:

‘A spokesman for CBP, Luis Miranda, said effective border security requires a variety of resources and efforts, infrastructure, technology, and personnel. No structure is impenetrable, so we will continue to work to focus resources on modern, effective border management measures to improve safety and security.’

Photographer and filmmaker John Kurc has documented Trump’s border wall construction. He noted that the wall required tremendously expensive repairs in both California and Arizona. And he has literally watched gangs cut through the wall:

‘I look for little slivers of light at the base of the wall.’

When the ex-president was talking about his wall, he said:

‘We have a very powerful wall. But no matter how powerful, you can cut through anything.’

An individual who was aware of the sawing talked to the Washington Post on the condition he remained anonymous:

‘They cut it with a fair amount of precision, You have to look really closely to see it.’

Chief of the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector, John Modlin explained:

‘Every bit of infrastructure that I’ve ever worked around over the past 26 years gets tested. At some point, people will try to get past it.’

Chief of the El Paso Sector Gloria Chavez said that two invaders were prosecuted in Mexico. Still, no one spent time in prison:

‘It’s a program that just started. They go to court, and the judge tells them you either go to jail or you pay a fine. So they pay a fine. But it’s something — compared to nothing.’

Like most of what Trump touches fails, so too, has his “impenetrable” wall failed.

Three White Lions is Gloria Christie’s new serialized book available in episodes on Amazon. Go to Kindle Vella and insert her name. She also writes for the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.