GOP/Trump Collusion On Jan 6 Revealed In Damning Texts


Donald Trump, the twice-impeached ex-president who lost the popular vote twice, will forever be known for the Big Lie, the one that says that Trump actually won the 2020 presidential elections only for the election to be stolen from him by Democrats, Republican governors and secretaries of state, a vote tabulating machine manufacturer, Italy, and the long-dead former president of Venezuela.

Texts uncovered between Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows and Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) show that, although they repeatedly said in private that there was no actual evidence to support the Big Lie, they were willing to go along with it and even to spread it as truth.

Senator Mike Lee texted Meadows to say there was no actual evidence anyone had seen to support the lie, they needed to know what message Trump wanted them to send to the people to support it. He also suggests that states where Trump won in 2016 but lost to President Biden in 2020 should send a new slate of electors to cast votes for Trump, a plan that came to fruition and is under investigation as a potentially criminal act.

CNN was the first to report on the Meadows’ texts with the two senators, in which Mike Lee can be found arguing that:

‘if you want senators to object, we need to hear from you on that ideally getting some guidance on what arguments to raise…I think we’re now passed the point where we can expect anyone will do it without some direction and a strong evidentiary argument…Everything changes, of course, if the swing states submit competing slates of electors pursuant to state law.’

Even as Lee admitted that there was no evidence and that many senators were finding it difficult to get behind the lie as a result, GOP officials were already publicly going on with the lie. Meadows explained to Lee that Trump though that the legislatures had the power to overturn the election, but that the VP has power too, which is untrue and led to the attack on January 6, 2021 as Trump supporters tried to intimidate lawmakers and Vice President Mike Pence to find a way to install Trump in office for a second term..

‘They gotta get a manual recount before they certify and sec states being stubborn and kemp won’t pressure… and party establishment don’t get it.’

As Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell made some of the most bizarre arguments about the shady way Trump was “cheated” out of the election, so bizarre that the GOP tried to distance themselves from them but still publicly support Trump’s lie, Roy begged for guidance in the face of the lack of any evidence of voter fraud.

‘Please man, help us up together a message to go on offense. I am trying to piece together 11th Cir, Nevada, Pa Hearing, etc… and I think there is a strong message that would be louder and better than Sydney/Rudy have been doing, but it’s hard to keep up.’