Samuel L. Jackson Smokes ‘Uncle Clarence’ Thomas After SCOTUS Ruling


On Friday, the Supreme Court of the United States did the unthinkable and eliminated any guarantee of the right to an abortion by overturning the landmark 1973 decision in Roe v Wade. In many developed countries, the right to an abortion is absolutely guaranteed and without question, while denying access to abortion is a human rights violation. But in the U.S., touted as the most free and advanced country in the world, women have no guaranteed right to agency over their own bodies.

In his consenting opinion on the decision in Friday’s ruling, Justice Clarence Thomas, a longtime right-wing conservative judge, asked the courts to look at other rights that can be taken away from Americans who take them for granted.

He asked for another look at the 2003 decision in Lawrence v Texas, a ruling that guaranteed the right to privacy in the bedroom, finding the laws against sodomy unconstitutional.

He also cited the 2015 Obergefell v Hodges, the case that guaranteed the right to sex-sex marriage, as a case that should be reexamined. In an entirely contradictory move to his decision to make abortion bans allowable in any state who chooses to implement them, he also asked for another look into Griswold v Connecticut, the case whose decision guaranteed the right to contraception. In Thomas’s vision of America, it’s hard not to see images from The Handmaid’s Tale.

Samuel L. Jackson tweeted to remind Thomas of another court decision, Loving v Virginia, which guaranteed the right to interracial marriage. Thomas’s longtime marriage to his wife, Ginni Thomas, would at one time have been illegal because they are of different races. Jackson’s tweet points out the importance to so many of their most cherished rights; for women, that includes the right to reproductive freedom.

Twitter had a big response to Jackson’s well-timed tweet. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2022-06-25-at-11.58.13-AM Samuel L. Jackson Smokes 'Uncle Clarence' Thomas After SCOTUS Ruling Abortion Celebrities Featured Feminism Politics Racism Top Stories Twitter Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2022-06-25-at-11.58.43-AM Samuel L. Jackson Smokes 'Uncle Clarence' Thomas After SCOTUS Ruling Abortion Celebrities Featured Feminism Politics Racism Top Stories Twitter Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2022-06-25-at-11.59.17-AM Samuel L. Jackson Smokes 'Uncle Clarence' Thomas After SCOTUS Ruling Abortion Celebrities Featured Feminism Politics Racism Top Stories Twitter Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2022-06-25-at-11.59.53-AM Samuel L. Jackson Smokes 'Uncle Clarence' Thomas After SCOTUS Ruling Abortion Celebrities Featured Feminism Politics Racism Top Stories Twitter Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2022-06-25-at-12.00.13-PM Samuel L. Jackson Smokes 'Uncle Clarence' Thomas After SCOTUS Ruling Abortion Celebrities Featured Feminism Politics Racism Top Stories Twitter Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2022-06-25-at-12.00.24-PM Samuel L. Jackson Smokes 'Uncle Clarence' Thomas After SCOTUS Ruling Abortion Celebrities Featured Feminism Politics Racism Top Stories Twitter Women's Rights