Famous Exotic Animal Killer Found Dead In South Africa


Warning: Some viewers may find photos in this article disturbing.  

One of the worst animal bounty hunters just met his due in South Africa.

We are just beginning to understand how intelligent elephants are. Their vocals are so low that humans cannot hear them, their sounds reaching across 10 octaves. Many of them have been killed for “sport,” their heads mounted, and their lower legs and feet individually turned into side tables. Donald Trump’s eldest son posed for a photo himself after he hacked the tail off of one of these wonderful creatures.

The founder and owner of Pro Hunt Africa was a trophy hunter specializing in large animals. Riaan Naude, 55, was found dead. A Limpopo Province Police spokesperson held a press conference where he told reporters, according to The Globe-News:

‘Naude was found lying on his back, with blood on his face and head.’

He had been discovered lying next to his truck stone-cold dead near the Kruger National Park.

Local media reported that Lt. Col. Mamphaswa Seabi announced:

‘The deceased was carrying two hunting firearms, clothes, water, whiskey, sleeping clothes, and many live rounds like he was going hunting and camping somewhere around Sterkrevier, as there are many game farms with wild animals in the area.’

Lt. Col. Seabi did not believe his death was related to his hunting, according to The Daily Beast:

‘The motive for the attack and the subsequent murder is unknown at this stage.’

It seems the hunter had a malfunctioning vehicle and pulled it over on the side of the road. A cattle herder working close by said he heard a shot, then saw a truck moving rapidly away from the scene.

Naude’s Instagram feed showed him and others who took his tours posing with large dead animals. All the photos came from his Instagram page.

Screen-Shot-2022-07-07-at-12.44.27-PM Famous Exotic Animal Killer Found Dead  In South Africa Animal Rights Corruption Crime Featured Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2022-07-07-at-12.44.14-PM Famous Exotic Animal Killer Found Dead  In South Africa Animal Rights Corruption Crime Featured Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2022-07-07-at-12.44.43-PM Famous Exotic Animal Killer Found Dead  In South Africa Animal Rights Corruption Crime Featured Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2022-07-07-at-12.45.17-PM Famous Exotic Animal Killer Found Dead  In South Africa Animal Rights Corruption Crime Featured Top Stories

Global Sanctuary Elephants reports that elephants can express “grief, humor, compassion, cooperation, self-awareness, tool-use, playfulness:”

‘Elephants are some of the most intelligent animals on Earth. Their brains weigh 11 lbs. (5 kg.), much more than the brain of any other land animal. Their brains have more complex folds than all animals except whales, which is thought to be a major factor in their intellect.

‘They commonly show grief, humor, compassion, cooperation, self-awareness, tool-use, playfulness, and excellent learning abilities. An elephant in Korea surprised its zoo keepers by independently learning to mimic the commands they gave it by verbalizing with the end of its trunk, successfully learning 8 words and their context.’

It is hard to imagine killing one of them is sport.

Featured image is a screenshot via Donald Trump, Jr.’s Facebook Page. 

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