Liz Cheney Rises Against Trump After He Keeps Defending Violent Capitol Rioters


Republicans who support Donald Trump, at least among officials in positions of publicly granted power, can not reasonably lean on their party affiliation and political beliefs as an excuse.

Liz Cheney, the former Republican Congresswoman from Wyoming who lost in the GOP primary for her seat last year, is not some kind of secret liberal — and she continues advocating against the destructive politics exemplified and pushed by Donald Trump. During a recent campaign swing through New Hampshire, Trump greeted a participant in the Capitol riot, and it wasn’t just a mistake. He shared supportive remarks indicating in seemingly clear terms he grasped who she was and what she’d done. (The individual, Micki Larson-Olson, has served a stint in jail connected to her actions, and in other comments, she’s pushed the idea of executing political figures she opposes.) The incident is, of course, far from the first of its kind. Over and over, Trump has shared support for participants in the Capitol attack, even issuing a blanket call for the release of those detained in connection to the violence.

When making those calls, he’s generally made no distinction between those accused of violence and those facing other charges, lumping those accused — and, in some cases, convicted — of savagely beating cops into his energetic displays of support.

“Trump is embracing a J6 Defendant who called for the execution of members of Congress,” Cheney, who helped lead a House effort to investigate January 6, said on Twitter. “To elected Republicans who have endorsed him: You are endorsing his conduct on Jan 6th and every day since.” It’s not just unethical behavior. What Trump did has led to a federal criminal investigation led by Special Counsel Jack Smith in which former Vice President Mike Pence recently provided some seven hours of testimony. And most prominent Republicans are sticking with Donald.