Over 60 Percent Of Americans Break With Republicans On Major National Policy


In recent polling released in connection with a partnership between The Washington Post and ABC News, a solid majority of Americans backed the continued availability of mifepristone, which is a prescription drug used in abortions that are conducted via medications.

This stance from most Americans, as represented by this polling, is different from that held by some Republican leaders, which could at least be seen from the general opposition to allowing almost any abortions from many of these figures in power. In the poll, 66 percent of overall respondents said, after they were provided a brief description of the nature of mifepristone, that it should stay on the market. There has been a court case unfolding in which a conservatively inclined federal judge recently released a decision that, if implemented, would upend the federal approvals making mifepristone actually available, though putting that ruling into force has been put on hold amid further legal challenges.

Republicans lost on abortion in this polling across multiple questions. A full 66 percent said they opposed the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to eliminate the legal allowance for abortion that had been established in Roe v. Wade, and 78 percent said deciding on whether to have an abortion should, in general, “be left to the woman and her doctor.” Over three-fourths of respondents! And those participating in this survey weren’t just liberals or something. The same set of data showed an overall level of approval for Biden at just 36 percent, meaning only that portion of survey respondents approved of the job Biden is doing in office! The poll also showed both Trump and DeSantis leading Biden at the national level in hypothetical match-ups in the general election, which is something to consider. Abortion-wise, Republicans are just on what’s known as the wrong side of history, to say the least.