Lauren Boebert Publicly Refuted By Veterans For Dangerous Gun Fanaticism


Any narrative that Republicans like Rep. Lauren Boebert (Colo.) speak for many or even the majority of Americans in areas like their obsession with promoting the usage of firearms is just not a given. There’s not some imminent red wave in the 2024 elections already written in the history books.

Boebert, whose 2022 Dem challenger Adam Frisch is running against her again this time around and raised millions of bucks in the second quarter, recently sought to promote the firearms generally known as assault rifles online. She had a particularly absurd rebuttal to a post from Vice President Kamala Harris that called for Congressional approval of a ban on assault rifles, which have often been used in mass shooting incidents, besides their danger in other contexts like domestic violence and mental health crises. “There is no such thing as an assault weapon, as you know. Fun day at the talking point factory?” Boebert self-confidently said.

It’s reminiscent of how eager some Republicans are to act like they’ve scored a win by calling the U.S. technically not a democracy after concerned observers talk about the need to protect that political system.

VoteVets, which is a progressive activism group that represents veterans’ interests, had some thoughts about Boebert’s take. “We know a little about assault rifles, Lauren,” they said. “Weapons of war don’t belong in the hands of civilians.”

Rather than helping to protect the interests of everyday Americans, do you know what Republicans in Congress actually are doing? Well, Boebert herself is obsessing over the possibility of impeaching Joe Biden. And elsewhere, GOP members of her chamber have also attached their names to a proposal to use U.S. military force against criminal cartels operating in Mexico, something that could very easily lead to Americans dying in large number. And this kind of mindset isn’t even confined to that area of the world! Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) has also promoted the idea of authorizing the use of U.S. military force against Chinese assets in Cuba. If these people claim to be putting Americans first, what’s the reality of that? Putting them first in line for deadly power plays?