Exit Of Clarence Thomas From Supreme Court Demanded After Somehow More Dirt Unearthed


Justice Clarence Thomas of the U.S. Supreme Court sure does get around. Another new batch of media reporting has alleged his presence for multiple fundraising events hosted for the Koch network, a conservative coalition associated with the family of the same name.

Thomas “was brought in, former network staffers said, in the hopes that such access would encourage donors to continue giving,” per recaps from the new ProPublica reporting that were shared by the news outlet’s X (Twitter) account. And the Koch network has been repeatedly involved in litigation that’s come before the Supreme Court, threatening another potentially substantial conflict of interest as Thomas participates in making decisions that could have consequences for Americans nationwide.

“Justice Clarence Thomas continues to bring shame upon himself and the United States Supreme Court. He should resign,” Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) said. “What are we going to find out next? A fundraiser for Trump headlined by Clarence Thomas? Ridiculous.” Lieu, who’s made similar comments previously, currently serves as vice chair of the House Democratic Caucus and on the House Judiciary Committee, in addition to other responsibilities.

It was already alleged in extensive reporting that Thomas and fellow Justice Samuel Alito had been provided pricey accommodations by wealthy associates — support often unreported in required financial disclosures from the leading judges. Alito recently complained that he didn’t even believe Congress to possess basic powers to regulate the actions of the U.S. Supreme Court, creating the appearance he was effectively interfering in a dispute that could eventually find its way before that court itself. Some of those contacted for information amid Senate investigations into the apparent corruption have refused, arguing with the basic reach of legislators’ oversight. And it’s individuals personally connected to Alito, besides even the judge himself, who might benefit from stonewalling as Senators persist.