Trump Deemed ‘Feeble, Confused, And Tired’ Amid His Latest Campaign Sputters


After Donald Trump held a press conference on Monday at which he characteristically went after those challenging him in a massive civil case in New York that successfully alleged a years-long pattern of business fraud, the Biden campaign released a biting response that deemed the ex-president “feeble, confused, and tired.”

Their statement referenced recent behavior from Trump like promoting a comparison Monday that linked himself to Jesus Christ. Trump also isn’t maintaining a rigorous schedule of actual campaigning, despite effectively locking down Republicans’ presidential nomination for the general elections already. As of early Monday, Trump’s last campaign appearance — and his only such public gathering since becoming Republicans’ presumptive presidential nominee — was in Ohio, where his presence boosted a campaign in Republicans’ Senate primary by the state’s Bernie Moreno.

Trump “spent the weekend golfing, the morning comparing himself to Jesus, and the afternoon lying about having money he definitely doesn’t have,” the Biden campaign’s Monday statement said. “His campaign can’t raise money, he is uninterested in campaigning outside his country club […] America deserves better than a feeble, confused, and tired Donald Trump.”

Though Trump and Biden are relatively close in age, the incumbent has seemed to face more criticism for imagined issues connected to his age, despite apparent lacks of specific evidence for any actually pressing problems. And though Trump has himself made this area of argument such a leading one in repeatedly referring to himself as a “stable genius,” he’s the one still claiming that he won a presidential election in 2020 that every credible authority to chime in describes completely otherwise.

Trump has himself previously accused Biden of running a “basement” campaign, but does the moniker now more accurately apply to the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee for the elections this year? Trump is expending massive amounts of his energy simply elsewhere, focusing obsessively in his public commentary on the extensive court challenges that he is facing, which he desperately attempts to characterize as indicative of some kind of societal decline.