Prosecutors Push For Steve Bannon To Be Sent To Jail After Court Upholds Conviction


In recent court filings, federal prosecutors asked that Steve Bannon — a longtime ally to former President Donald Trump — be sent to prison to fulfill a four-month sentence imposed some time ago after a criminal conviction for contempt of Congress. The conviction was connected to refusals to comply with the House committee that investigated the Capitol riot and surrounding circumstances, and the conviction was recently upheld by a federal appeals court.

As highlighted by Axios, the federal government pointed to the unanimity of that recent judicial decision in arguing that the time for a delay of Bannon’s prison sentence was over. There’s now “no longer a question of law that will likely result in reversal or a new trial, the DOJ argued, so the judge should order that Bannon be detained,” that news outlet recently summarized.

Bannon is one of two Trump allies criminally convicted of contempt of Congress on similar grounds. The other, Peter Navarro, didn’t manage to secure a delay of his sentence and is currently in prison, having lost attempt after attempt to get out of that scenario, even at the Supreme Court.

Bannon, meanwhile, remains highly active in Trump’s circles. He was even among the reported guests at a recent birthday celebration for Rudy Giuliani in Florida where the latter was finally legally served after a recent indictment in Arizona. The new case, which is Giuliani’s second criminal matter, hinges on the assembling in the state after the 2020 presidential election of a slate of sham electors backing Trump despite Biden winning Arizona. Reports claimed that some of the remaining guests absolutely freaked out when Giuliani was served. He himself later complained that the matter wasn’t handled “stylishly,” whatever that would even entail.