Rudy Giuliani Publicly Humiliated As His Personal Situation Further Deteriorates


Well, it doesn’t look like things are going great financially for former New York City mayor-turned-ardent Trump ally Rudy Giuliani, who is now officially facing yet another criminal case, this time in Arizona.

He’s wheeled out a coffee-selling operation, hawking bags of coffee branded with, well, himself. “Rudy Coffee,” he called it. It all smacks of a guy who is, in fact, already massively in trouble, having faced $148 million in penalties amid a defamation case brought by Georgia women Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, a mother and daughter who, after serving as election workers in their state in 2020, were named in conspiracy theories about what happened that year. Giuliani is trying to pursue bankruptcy, but it’s still clear that his financial tumult is massive.

“By supporting Rudy Coffee, you’re not just treating yourself to exceptional coffee, you’re also supporting our cause,” Giuliani said in a promotional video. “The cause of truth, justice, and American democracy.”

“The only thing that distinguishes this from an SNL skit is the poor production value,” quipped Democratic staffer Mark McDevitt. “The grift never ends. Can’t wait for the Election Denier Blend or Insurrectionist Iced versions to drop,” added Democratic West Virginia legislator Shawn Fluharty.

Giuliani wasn’t allowing comments on the original post, a share of the promotional video on X, formerly called Twitter.

Confronted on the occasion of an 80th birthday celebration in Florida, he was only served just recently in the new Arizona case against him, which hinges on the assembling in the state after the 2020 presidential election of a sham slate of electors backing Trump despite Joe Biden winning in Arizona that year. The effort mirrored undertakings in a slew of other states. Other defendants in the Arizona case include prominent names like Mark Meadows and John Eastman.