Leading Journalist Argues Republicans’ Electoral Chances Are Toast As They Stand By Trump


In a new broadcast of the MSNBC program “Morning Joe,” co-host Joe Scarborough — who previously served as a Republican Congressman in Florida — predicted that the Republican Party is hurtling towards electoral defeat in the wake of Donald Trump’s criminal conviction in New York City.

Trump was convicted on all counts in a felony case alleging the falsification of business records of repayments to former ally Michael Cohen after he provided hush money before the 2016 election to a woman named Stormy Daniels. The outlays were evidently claimed as legal expenses despite the successfully alleged purposes for the money given to Cohen that weren’t routine legal expenses.

“They’re gonna lose again,” Scarborough said, referring to the Republican Party, in a clip highlighted on social media by Biden’s campaign. “And after all these years of losing, from 2017 through 2023, Jonathan Lemire you think they would have learned by now. And I’m dead serious here. […] They always think they’re so clever. They always think they’re so tough. All they are — they’re the 1962 New York Mets, and at some point, somebody needs to wake up and go, ‘Hey guys, we suck at this game of politics. We need a new manager.'”

Republicans are largely sticking with Trump ahead of the elections later this year, leaving in place as their party’s standard-bearer a man convicted of serious crimes and heading towards a sentencing next month. It’s unclear at present how that sentencing will go, particularly whether Trump will face jail-time when back before the judge in July. In the meantime, the Trump team is characteristically intent on pursuing options for an appeal, with the U.S. Supreme Court already cited as a potential target for where that’ll culminate.