Prosecutors Pushing To Keep Trump BLOCKED From Attacking Witnesses & Jurors


Prosecutors in the New York City criminal case against former President Donald Trump that recently concluded with a conviction on all counts are seeking to get the gag order on the ex-White House occupant left alone, at least for now. The order, which was imposed by the judge at prosecutors’ urging, blocks public attacks on witnesses, jurors, and others, and the Trump team is opposing its continuance after the verdict.

The judge eventually expanded the order to include family members of his own and others involved in the proceedings after Trump began publicly targeting a daughter of the judge in his familiarly antagonistic commentary. Trump is heading towards a sentencing set for next month, just before Republicans are still on track to make the ex-president their nominee for the White House yet again no matter his court problems. It’s unclear whether the ex-president will end up with any time in jail at sentencing.

“As the People will explain more fully in our written opposition to defendant’s forthcoming motion, these interests have not abated, and the Court has an obligation to protect the integrity of these proceedings and the fair administration of justice at least through the sentencing hearing and the resolution of any post-trial motions,” said prosecutors in a section highlighted by MSNBC reporting. The judge demanded earlier that arguments of this sort start out with previews of intended motions rather than full motions.

Trump’s other three criminal cases are all facing significant stalls. The federal case dealing with his alleged targeting of the 2020 presidential election’s outcome, for instance, is awaiting a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court on claims from Trump of legal immunity. Trial in the federal case accusing Trump of mishandling classified documents was indefinitely delayed, and the schedule keeps extending. Trump-nominated federal Judge Aileen Cannon continues to face extensive criticism for her handling of that one.