Democratic Governor Roasts Trump Ahead Of Debate: ‘He Can Talk About His Felonies’


In a discussion on CNN, Minnesota Democratic Governor Tim Walz expressed skepticism at how this week’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump would go, specifically on the Trump side.

“Debates are an opportunity for people to hear on some specific subjects,” said Walz, who also served in that top spot in Minnesota when Trump was serving as president. “I hope the moderators do a good job of asking those questions, but this is about the record and I think Donald Trump’s going to have a hard time, because if he gets asked and he has to talk about his record, there’s not much there. But yes, I – you know, he’s an entertainer. Now he can talk about his felonies. I just expect him to not be able for 90 minutes not to talk about himself in the way that he normally does, which is untruths and hyperbole.”

The debate was to be hosted, actually, by CNN, taking place Thursday night in Georgia. The relatively early (compared to the November election) timing is a unique feature of the schedule, which was set up outside the auspices of the traditionally used Commission on Presidential Debates. It’s happening technically before either Trump or Biden have even formally gone through the full convention nominating processes from their respective political parties, but it’s been obvious for a while now that the two would be the contenders.

None of the primary challengers in either party got very far, though there are still some candidates outside the major parties like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who originally ran as a Democrat.

Georgia is a closely watched state in electoral terms after Biden won there in 2020.