Businessman Mark Cuban Goes After Trump: He ‘Ripped Off Thousands’ Of Americans


Businessman Mark Cuban, known in part for his participation in the ABC television program “Shark Tank,” posted a quickly viral condemnation of former President Donald Trump to X (formerly Twitter) this week, calling him out for past scandals including “Trump University,” which was not an accredited learning institution in the manner in which is usual for something called a university.

“Me: He ripped off thousands of hard working Americans with Trump University, he put vendors out of business and didn’t pay his bills[.] You: But all business people do that,” Cuban wrote, describing a hypothetical back-and-forth. “Me: He didn’t want to leave the WH. He called the Ga.Sec of State and asked for 11780 votes. He demanded that VP Pence not certify the election. You: But he did leave! Me: He said this week any immigrant who graduates from a 2 or 4 yr school gets a green card. You: That’s smart, but there is no way he will do it. Me: He said he would charge a 10% tariff on all imported goods. You: Yeah, but China will pay for it.”

It went on, with Cuban eventually imagining that the hypothetical Trump backer on the other end would just accuse him of having TDS, meaning “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” which is a phrase used by some on the Right including the former president himself to accuse opponents of obsessing to an undue extent about the former president.

The tariffs thing is actually something that’s been a problem with Trump himself, too. Tariffs, meaning taxes on imports, are generally paid by the businesses and people doing the importing — meaning, generally, Americans in this kind of situation. But for some reason, Trump has previously characterized the income from tariffs as coming from international sources, particularly China. But again, Americans are usually paying those increased import costs.