Jamie Raskin Accuses Trump Of A ‘Violent Constitutional Crime’ As GOP Stands Right By Him


Outspoken Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) publicly blasted former President Donald Trump this week on the occasion of the former White House occupant traveling to Washington, D.C., to meet with Republicans. Trump gathered with elected Republicans at the city’s Capitol Hill Club during his visit.

“In his return to the scene of his violent constitutional crime on Capitol Hill, the inciter-in-chief bragged about how he engineered the reversal of Roe v. Wade by packing the Supreme Court, which is now holding up Trump’s federal prosecution,” Raskin said on X (formerly called Twitter), linking to news coverage of Trump’s time in the nation’s capital with leading Republicans.

Raskin was referring in the last part of his post to the federal case accusing Trump of conspiring against the presidential election outcome from 2020, meaning Joe Biden’s win that year. As Trump’s claimed legal protections by mere virtue of once serving as president, the case made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which heard in-person arguments already but has yet to issue a decision, leaving the case hanging in limbo. Though, at least initially, a thin baseline of procedural measures at the trial level were left active, Trump’s actual trial was indefinitely punted while these appeals have moved forward.

Trump’s other federal criminal case from the same special prosecutor, which accuses him of the mishandling of government classified documents, is also stalled. Trump-nominated federal Judge Aileen Cannon indefinitely delayed trial, which was originally set to have already started by this point on the calendar.

Trump, though, remains on track for a sentencing in New York City next month after a jury found him guilty on all counts in felony criminal proceedings there. It’s unclear whether he will be saddled with any jail-time.