Liz Cheney Warns That Trump Is A ‘Danger To Our Republic’ As GOP Embraces Him


Former GOP Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who remains outspoken even as she’s no longer in elected office, condemned Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell this week as Republicans across the House and Senate effectively reiterated their support for former President Donald Trump.

In Cheney’s post, she included a photograph of McConnell shaking the ex-president’s hand during Trump’s swing through D.C.

“Mitch McConnell knows Trump provoked the violent attack on our Capitol and then “watched television happily” as his mob brutally beat police officers and hunted the Vice President,” she said, adding: “He knows Trump committed a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” and is a danger to our Republic. Trump and his collaborators will be defeated, and history will remember the shame of people like @LeaderMcConnell who enabled them.” McConnell already endorsed Trump publicly ahead of this year’s election.

Neither Trump’s recent criminal conviction in New York City nor his three additional criminal cases beyond that one have significantly shaken off the former president’s support from Republicans at both the grassroots and elected levels. He is now hurtling towards a sentencing in his New York City criminal case that is set for next month — just before the GOP is set to kick off its convention proceedings in Milwaukee where they’ll be officially giving Trump his already slated presidential nomination for the year.

Now, Trump is grappling with the fallout of reported comments at a Washington, D.C. meeting with House Republicans where apparently he harshly maligned the city of Milwaukee, calling it “horrible.” Though there was some contesting of the reported version of his remarks from Republicans in his corner, Trump has, at times, been quite public with maligning major American cities, so it’s not out of character.