Milwaukee’s Mayor Deems Trump ‘Unhinged’ After He Reportedly Trashed The City


Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Mayor Cavalier Johnson responded this week after reports emerged that former President Donald Trump maligned Johnson’s city in a gathering in Washington, D.C., with prominent Republicans.

Trump and Republicans are gearing up to hold this year’s GOP nominating convention in Milwaukee next month, and reportedly, Trump deemed the city “horrible” in remarks to Republicans during a swing through D.C. Though some in his political corner tried contesting the public reporting of his remarks, the ex-president has, at times, been rather public with going after major American cities, so it’s not exactly out of character for him to have said such a thing.

“If Donald Trump wants to talk about things that he thinks are horrible, all of us lived through his presidency, so right back at you, buddy!” said the Milwaukee mayor. “I’d say that. Look, obviously Donald Trump is wrong about something yet again. I find it kind of perplexing, I find it kind of strange that he would insult the largest city in Wisconsin, because he’s running for president, he obviously wants to win Wisconsin, win the election. So to insult the state that’s hosting your convention, I think it’s kind of bizarre, actually. It’s kind of unhinged, in a way.”

Footage of the mayor responding to Trump was highlighted by a rapid response team that is part of the Biden re-election campaign as the Democratic incumbent in the White House and Trump head towards their expected electoral rematch later this year. (Their post was seen extensively, per metrics on X, the social platform formerly called Twitter.) The two also have a first debate of this election cycle set for this month in Georgia. Held outside the auspices of the traditionally used Commission on Presidential Debates, Biden and Trump will be the only two candidates on the stage, though others — outside the major parties — are running.