Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness


Donald Trump has been riding Attorney General William Barr like a missile right into the heart of American democracy. Well over 2,000 former Department of Justice and federal judges have signed an open letter to the AG demanding that he retires. Barr ripped a gaping wound into the DOJ.

He has been telling Trump that under Article II in the Constitution, he can do anything. POTUS believed him and has been going after his perceived enemies. The keyword here was “perceived.” The president even wanted to go after a private individual on the jury.

Trump has been obsessed with finding the whistleblower who kicked off the impeachment to no avail, fortunately. What Barr has done was let loose a vindictive, cruel, autocratic president and grievously wounded his own department.

More recently, POTUS has been going after the very able Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who has been no one to mess with. She has been presiding over Trump’s longtime friend and advisor Roger Stone:

‘”Judge Jackson now has a request for a new trial based on the unambiguous & self outed bias of the foreperson of the jury, whose (sic) also a lawyer, by the way. ‘Madam foreperson, your (sic) a lawyer, you have a duty, an affirmative obligation, to reveal to us when we selected you the…..”

Screen-Shot-2020-02-18-at-7.36.10-AM Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

‘…..would order a new trial, I’m not so sure about Judge Jackson, I don’t’

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‘…..existence of these tweets in which you were so harshly negative about the President & the people who support him. Don’t you think we wanted to know that before we put you on this jury.’ Pretty obvious he should (get a new trial). I think almost any judge in the Country…..’

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Screen-Shot-2020-02-18-at-7.38.04-AM Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

‘….badly tainted and, in my opinion, should be thrown out. Even Mueller’s statement to Congress that he did not see me to become the FBI Director (again), has been proven false. The whole deal was a total SCAM. If I wasn’t President, I’d be suing everyone all over the place…’

Screen-Shot-2020-02-18-at-7.38.40-AM Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

‘These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller investigation was illegally set up based on a phony and now fully discredited Fake Dossier, lying and forging documents to the FISA Court, and many other things. Everything having to do with this fraudulent investigation is…’

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Twitter world went crazy after Trump attacked a federal judge. Here is what our fellow Americans had to say below:

Screen-Shot-2020-02-18-at-7.13.12-AM Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-18-at-7.13.49-AM Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-18-at-7.11.44-AM Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-18-at-7.12.12-AM Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories Screen-Shot-2020-02-18-at-7.12.42-AM Trump Flies Out Of Bed For Pre-Dawn Twitter Craziness Corruption Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories

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