Joe Biden To Sign Executive Action On Gun Control


According to a new report from POLITICO, President Joe Biden “is expected to unveil a long-awaited package of executive actions to curb gun violence” on Thursday at the White House. According to sources for the publication, Biden plans to “direct the administration to begin the process of requiring buyers of so-called ghost guns — homemade or makeshift firearms that lack serial numbers — to undergo background checks,” while other specific steps were “unclear” at the time of publication. Mass shootings have recently unfolded in California, Colorado, and Georgia, underscoring the urgency of action.

According to POLITICO, “stakeholders have speculated that the president could announce regulations on concealed assault-style firearms; prohibitions on firearm purchases for those convicted of domestic violence against their partners; and federal guidance on home storage safety measures.” Meanwhile, another potentially impending announcement is the presentation of Biden’s pick to serve as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a position that requires Senate confirmation. Broadly, the Biden team has also reiterated the president’s support for legislative moves like broad expansions of background checks for gun purchases.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently pledged that he would “bring universal background checks legislation to the Senate floor,” although the Senate’s filibuster rule means that advocates would need the agreement of 60 Senators in the 100-member chamber before moving to a final vote on most legislation. Some have called for reforming the filibuster rule, but no reforms have newly been accomplished. Following recent mass shootings, Republicans have predictably already begun complaining about pleas for gun safety measures.

On Fox, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) recently proclaimed that he owns an AR-15 rifle and would be willing to use it to defend himself if trapped at his home in South Carolina after a natural disaster and facing gang violence. Graham failed to explain how such a situation could even unfold in the first place. If an area is so affected that police can’t patrol and respond to the area, then how could “gangs” make their way around? How bad would a natural disaster have to be for authorities to leave a United States Senator stranded at his home in South Carolina under an active threat of “gang” violence? Graham is ridiculous. While he harbors his tough guy dreams, people are dying.