Trump Called Out For ‘Slurring & Glitching’ During His Latest Campaign Rally Speech


During a campaign rally speech in New York City on Thursday, former President Donald Trump was “slurring” and “glitching,” a rapid response team that is part of the Biden re-election campaign said on X (the site formerly known as Twitter).

“Trump, slurring and glitching: It is hardworking patri-skfjskl,” they wrote. An accompanying clip shows the former president severely garbling what appeared to be an attempt at praising “hardworking patriots.” Notably, he didn’t correct himself in the moment, simply moving on.

Competence has become a big issue in the latest race for president, exemplified by the Right’s usage of the derisive epithet “Sleepy Joe” for incumbent President Joe Biden, against whom Trump is expected to run in the general election later this year.

Notably, Trump himself has been the subject of repeated reports saying he was seemingly sleeping in court during his currently unfolding criminal trial in New York City, which he was compelled to attend because of its criminal nature. Trump eventually denied the reports of his mid-trial slumber, though he’s already known as someone without exactly the closest relationship with reality. Election conspiracy theories, anyone?

As for that trial, it’s close to closing arguments, which are set for Tuesday. In theory, that means the ex-president could be a convicted felon within mere days. The rally from Trump on Thursday was in the Bronx, a northern part of New York City that Trump lost by a massive margin in the 2020 election along with the state as a whole. On CNN, New York Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul predicted that Trump’s latest rally wouldn’t “make a difference” in campaign terms for Donald. He will lose New York in 2024, the chief executive insisted.