Lawyers ‘Expect’ Infowars To Shut Down Amid Fallout From Sandy Hook Defamation Cases, Report Says


Things do not appear to be going well for Alex Jones, the infamous, far-right media figure who was challenged in a series of defamation suits for allegedly propagating egregious conspiracy theories involving the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

The central theory posited that the tragedy did not actually happen as reported and described by individuals who lived through it and was instead essentially staged, with the accompanying explanation from those supporting the claim that it was meant to advance the cause of gun control. Individuals linked to the tragedy have faced extensive harassment — sometimes extending to in-person confrontations — as that conspiracy theory spread. Needless to say, there is not and has never been evidence the shooting was staged.

Jones and his company Free Speech Systems, the latter of which is behind his well-known operation Infowars, were both mired in separate bankruptcy proceedings, and bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez has approved moving Jones’ personal case to a liquidation.

He dismissed the bankruptcy case of Jones’ company, but Infowars still appears to be in serious jeopardy. For one, it appears that Jones’ personal control of it is being handed over to a trustee who will be handling the liquidation of Jones’ personal assets. And with the company’s case dismissed in bankruptcy proceedings before Lopez, Sandy Hook families can now pursue payment from the company elsewhere.

Associated Press journalists described the near future of Infowars as unclear. “But both Jones and lawyers for the Sandy Hook families said they expect Infowars to cease operating at some point because of the huge debt,” added the outlet’s report.

Jones has, at times, enjoyed support from extremely prominent figures in Republican politics. Both Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Donald Trump have appeared on his programming. An individual involved with Infowars — Owen Shroyer — was criminally charged and eventually sentenced to prison for joining the chaos at the Capitol in 2021.