Judge Cannon Could Face Removal From Trump’s Classified Docs Case, Lawyer Says


With proceedings kicking off this Friday at which Trump-appointed federal Judge Aileen Cannon will hear arguments against the legitimacy of Special Counsel Jack Smith being appointed at all, ex-White House lawyer Ty Cobb says that the controversial federal judge could set up her own removal from the underlying criminal proceedings.

The backdrop is the federal criminal case against former President Donald Trump accusing him of the mishandling of government classified documents. Cannon has indefinitely delayed trial, with no clear end to the situation in sight.

“You know, the worst thing that could happen to her is that she actually does rule for Trump on this because that would go to the 11th Circuit and then I think this petty partisan prima donna would be put in her place and they would remove her,” Cobb said. Her potential removal from the case — or at least, Smith pushing for that outcome — has been discussed before, though she’s stayed on it this long.

Also coming up soon are arguments in court over a push from Smith for restrictions on Trump’s public comments after the spread of deceptive claims, partly propagated by the Trump team itself, of federal authorities harboring an ambition of assassinating the ex-president around the time of the well-known raid on his Florida property Mar-a-Lago in 2022 ahead of this criminal case.

The claim stems from what was widely decried as a misreading of a routine and actually limiting allowance for the use of deadly force while carrying out the raid that details indicate didn’t have anything to do with Trump personally.

Meanwhile, Trump’s other federal criminal case, which deals with allegations of conspiring against the 2020 presidential election outcome, is also delayed, awaiting a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court on his claims of presidential immunity that supposedly should shut it down.