Legal Icon Calls Out Supreme Court For Playing Into Trump’s Hand By Dragging Out His Case


The U.S. Supreme Court has still not issued a ruling after hearing in-person arguments some two months ago in appeals from former President Donald Trump claiming that he holds wide-ranging legal protections by mere virtue of once serving as president. He is trying to use the arguments to shut down a criminal case that he is facing over actions after the 2020 presidential election.

“In the last few months the Supreme Court has silently created a new form of immunity for Donald Trump. Immunity by delay,” wrote well-known lawyer Marc Elias, who focuses on voting rights issues, on X (formerly Twitter).

The nation’s highest court already faced criticism for taking up the appeals at all, as the move pushed out trial even further. In the case, in which Trump is accused of conspiring to undercut the 2020 presidential race, the prospective trial remains on ice, with the timing of trial also uncertain in his federal case accusing him of the mishandling of government classified documents. Both cases originate with the same special prosecutor, the Justice Department’s Special Counsel Jack Smith.

Trial in the election-related case was originally scheduled for March of this year, though its removal from the calendar cleared the way for Trump’s recent trial in New York City, where he was convicted on all counts.

Meanwhile, Trump-nominated federal Judge Aileen Cannon, who is handling the documents case, is facing extensive criticism for the delays for which she is presently responsible. There was a hearing in the case set, actually, for Friday as Trump continues his attempts to undermine it.

“You know, the worst thing that could happen to her is that she actually does rule for Trump on this because that would go to the 11th Circuit and then I think this petty, partisan prima donna would be put in her place and they would remove her,” said ex-White House lawyer Ty Cobb on CNN.