Biden Is Leading By More Than 20 Percent Among Young Americans, Says A Brand New Poll


In new polling from frequent partners YouGov and The Economist that was completed June 18, President Joe Biden had an absolutely massive lead among respondents from the ages of 18 through 29.

Respondents were asked for their choice for president from a list including Biden, Donald Trump, and a number of candidates outside the two major parties, and in that age group, Biden had 50 percent of the support, with Trump at just 28 percent — 22 percentage points behind him. Among respondents in general, who were pooled at the national level, Biden and Trump were tied with 42 percent of the support each — making it obviously next to impossible to draw any kind of sweeping conclusion about the state of the race at that level.

Biden and Trump are heading to a first debate of this election cycle on Thursday, which will be held in Georgia, a closely watched state in electoral terms after Biden’s victory there in 2020 and successive Democratic wins in the state’s Senate races that made both the state’s Senators Democrats.

None of Trump’s legal troubles have significantly shaken off his support from Republicans, who are still heading towards a formal nomination of the ex-president for the White House yet again next month at convention proceedings in Milwaukee: a city that Trump reportedly disparaged in a private meeting recently held in Washington, D.C., with elected Republicans. Trump’s opponents seized on the claimed comments, with actually very wide-ranging explanations from his political corner for it. Trump denied subsequent claims that he would not be staying in the Democratic-leaning swing state city itself for the convention.