Ex-GOP Congressman Deems Trump A ‘Direct Threat’ To The United States’ Values


Former GOP Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois endorsed incumbent President Joe Biden amid the latter’s re-election bid in a video shared online this week. Kinzinger became known before leaving office for his staunch opposition to former President Donald Trump, against whom Biden is expected to go for an electoral rematch this year.

Kinzinger, in his final term in Congress, served on the House committee that investigated the 2021 Capitol riot and circumstances leading up to it. He was part of the panel’s recommendations at the conclusion of its work for criminal charges from the Justice Department, though those recommendations were merely that: recommendations. On the alleged election subversion front, only Trump is charged federally so far. (Others face charges at the state level.)

“It’s because of my unwavering support for democracy that today, as a proud conservative, I’m endorsing Joe Biden for re-election,” Kinzinger said in the video, acknowledging his policy differences with the Democratic incumbent but saying: “I know that he will always protect the very thing that makes America the best country in the world: our democracy. Donald Trump poses a direct threat to every fundamental American value.”

Kinzinger goes on to credit Trump with that violence at the U.S. Capitol of early 2021, when crowds aligned with the former president stormed the premises as members of the House and Senate attempted to certify the election results from 2020: a process upended but not stopped by the violence seen that day.

Former GOP Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who unlike Kinzinger tried to win another term and lost, also remains outspoken — specifically, in opposition to Trump — after serving in a leadership role on that House panel.