Trump-Endorsed GOP Candidate Loses By A HUGE Margin In Congressional Primary Election


A Trump-endorsed candidate who is currently the chairman of the Colorado Republican Party lost a party primary on Tuesday in the state’s Fifth Congressional District, and it wasn’t close. Jeff Crank, the victor supported apparently by Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), marking a rare break between Trump and Johnson, ended up more than 30 percentage points ahead of Trump endorsement-recipient Dave Williams.

Results made available by Decision Desk HQ said Wednesday afternoon that Crank had 65.4 percent of the vote, while Williams got 34.6 percent with about 87 percent of the vote tabulated.

Per a recap from The Hill, GOP leadership in Colorado was already facing pushback for avowedly anti-LGBTQ content going up on social media. “Burn all the #pride flags this June,” says a post to X (formerly Twitter) from an official account associated with the Colorado Republican Party that remains up on the web. Though the overall state has an, at times, liberal lean, the bio for this same account clearly indicates the kind of stance that the state Republican Party has been taking under Williams’ leadership. “The Official Account of the Colorado Republican Party… and, yes, Democrats love criminals and steal your tax dollars,” it said on Wednesday.

Elsewhere in Colorado on Tuesday, Lauren Boebert — the infamous GOP Congresswoman who tried switching districts after Ken Buck announced he was leaving Congress — actually won the regularly scheduled Republican primary for Congress in that other district, which she targeted after a Democratic candidate who only barely lost the last time unveiled another bid for office in her original Congressional district. Boebert was backed by Trump.

Trump’s favored candidates also lost in elections on Tuesday in Utah and South Carolina. In the latter race, a Congressional runoff, it actually was pretty close, with Mark Burns — a pastor — finishing with some 49 percent.