Trump-Endorsed Republican Pastor Who Tried Running For Congress Gets Defeated


A Trump-endorsed pastor who tried running for Congress in South Carolina lost a runoff election on Tuesday deciding the Republican pick for the state’s Third Congressional District. Mark Burns, whose campaign website prominently featured his endorsement by former President Donald Trump, finished with about 49 percent of the vote to 51 percent for candidate Sheri Biggs.

As of early Wednesday, there’d been apparently no new messages (after the election outcome) posted to the account on X (formerly Twitter) for Burns, though Trump-endorsed candidates have tended to at least eventually acknowledge their losses when facing such an outcome, no matter Trump’s own behavior after the 2020 presidential election. Trump still holds fast to his claims of some kind of widespread malfeasance in that year’s race somehow driving Biden’s win, though the idea remains debunked.

Burns’ account did advertise a “victory party” for Tuesday night.

Trump’s pick for Senate in the Utah GOP primary taking place on Tuesday for the seat that Mitt Romney is vacating also lost, though that outcome was perhaps more predictable, considering Romney himself was known as an avid Trump opponent in the first place. And while Utah voters tend to be largely conservative, they also tend to be not entirely the Trump kind of conservative. In 2020, Trump won the state with a margin apparently slightly below his 2016 margin — both of which were massively below the margin that Romney himself got in the state when he was running for president alongside Paul Ryan in the 2012 race.

Trump’s endorsed candidates in primaries for Senate in Ohio and Nevada did prevail ahead of the elections later this year, giving the former president at least some wins on the party front. And of course, he remains on track to formally get Republicans’ presidential nomination for the year next month.