Trump’s Pick To Replace Mitt Romney In The Senate Just Lost By A Large Margin


Utah held a Republican Senate primary on Tuesday for the seat that Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) is vacating, and the candidate in the race with a Trump endorsement, Trent Staggs, lost by what results available early Wednesday indicated was a major margin of some 20 percent.

The winner was John Curtis, who is currently a Congressman in the state. Results early Wednesday indicated that Staggs won just a single county in the state’s southwestern regions, though that outcome could presumably shift, since The New York Times — which was making these results available — estimated that just 82 percent of the vote was tabulated.

Utah tends to lean Republican, so Curtis seems likely to be the replacement for Romney, who eventually became known as a somewhat rare Trump opponent inside the GOP.

Romney was the only Republican member of the Senate to get behind a potential conviction in then-President Trump’s first impeachment trial held in that legislative chamber, and he was also among the Republicans who backed possibly convicting Trump of impeachment charges when he was brought to (non-criminal) trial in the Senate by the House after the 2021 Capitol attack, for which many hold him responsible. It disrupted the certification by Congress of the 2020 presidential election results, which eventually did proceed, helping send Biden to the White House after his win in the 2020 presidential race.

Due to insufficient overall support, Trump was never actually convicted in Senate impeachment trials.

Trump has had some success with endorsements elsewhere, with the candidate aligned with his corner winning the Ohio GOP’s Senate primary to face Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) as the latter seeks another term in the recently GOP-leaning state. And Trump endorsement-recipient Sam Brown is also the GOP pick for Senate over in Nevada this year.