Trump Accused Of ‘Neglect Of Duty’ By Swing State Sheriff Over The Events Of Jan. 6, 2021


In a new video ad released by the Biden campaign that was viewed extensively on social media, Sheriff Chris Swanson of Genesee County, Michigan, blasts former President Donald Trump, accusing him of “neglect of duty” over the progression of the violence at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The clip starts, in part, with footage from the day’s attack, which was carried out almost entirely by Trump supporters and disrupted — but did not stop — the Congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election results. Numerous police officers were injured in the violence.

“It should have been stopped. That’s neglect of duty,” said Swanson. “As a sheriff, it’s awful to watch police officers getting attacked. That’s not supporting this badge and this uniform. I have no desire to work with somebody who divides. That’s not what America is. But I’ll work with anybody who unites. That’s why I’m with President Joe Biden.”

As he has progressed into now nearing the Republican Party’s official nomination for president this year, Trump has proposed legal assistance like presidential pardons for Capitol riot defendants, sometimes not distinguishing among those actually charged, a list that includes people accused of — and admitting to — serious violence, generally targeting police. Trump also still holds fast to 2020 election conspiracy theories like what initially spurred the violence at all, though real-world evidence has never supported the claim that Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidential race resulted from systematic fraud.

Trump was charged at the federal level for allegedly conspiring against the 2020 election results, with that case significantly delayed as he’s claimed immunity drawn from the mere fact of serving as president at the time.