Debate Moderators Accused Of Abandoning ‘Journalistic Responsibility’ In Trump’s Favor


Mary L. Trump, an outspoken niece to former President Donald Trump, was among those speaking out this week following a highly watched debate between her uncle and incumbent President Joe Biden, their first ahead of their expected electoral rematch later this year. It was held in Georgia, a closely watched state in electoral terms after Biden’s win there in 2020 and Democrats taking both of the state’s seats in the Senate.

In a blog post in which the younger Trump also touched on other topics, she joined the chorus of criticism towards CNN for the network, which hosted the debate, not including a live fact-check, even as the former president rolled out familiar lies and conspiracy theories including the idea of systematic fraud in the 2020 race.

“Why Jake Tapper and Dana Bash chose to abdicate their journalistic responsibility in service to a man who is an enemy of American democracy and a free press only they know, but that abdication should be a much bigger story,” wrote the former president’s niece. “I don’t know why they focused more on inflation and immigration than Donald’s 34 felony convictions, his incitement of an insurrection, and refusal to accept the results of a free and fair election but they did.”

Trump was asked eventually about the violence of January 6, 2021, and he dismissed the idea that many Americans even believe he violated his oath of office around the events of that day, for which he is accused — by some who’ve brought legal challenges and by other political voices — of bearing responsibility. A legal case trying to boot him from the ballot this year on the basis of argued involvement in the day’s events was turned back at the U.S. Supreme Court, leaving his candidacy intact again. Republicans remain on track to formally nominate Trump for president for the year next month.