Steve Bannon Has To Report For Prison By Monday After The Supreme Court Rebuffed Him


Steve Bannon, known as a prominent and outspoken Trump ally in right-wing media, is on his way to prison.

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected a last-ditch attempt by Bannon to avoid imminently beginning his previously imposed four-month sentence that followed a conviction on contempt of Congress allegations. He has to report to authorities for it by July 1.

Bannon benefited from a delay of that sentence for a while, but the delay was lifted after an appeals court upheld his conviction, which is one of two similar convictions of Trump allies stemming from defiance of the House committee that investigated the 2021 Capitol riot and circumstances leading up to the day. That was the highly publicized panel led in part by former Congresswoman Liz Cheney, alongside incumbent Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.).

According to NBC, Bannon’s team tried asserting at the nation’s highest court that the prominent pro-Trump figure relied on legal advice in refusing to comply with that House panel and pointed to supposed questions of executive privilege, but that ploy clearly didn’t work. Prosecutors already argued that there “was no operational claim of executive privilege, as Bannon had been a part of the Trump administration years earlier” rather than in the period of time under scrutiny by House investigators, recapped NBC News’ journalist Ryan Reilly.

Bannon’s prosecution was preceded by the then-Democratic Party-led House holding him in contempt of Congress. However, rather than the outcomes of that series of Congressional contempt findings indicating a universal setback for Trump-aligned individuals, the Justice Department actually didn’t do anything with Congressional contempt findings implicating two prominent figures from Trump’s presidential team, Mark Meadows and Dan Scavino.

Now, Trump’s own criminal case accusing him of conspiring against the 2020 election outcome is awaiting a decision from the Supreme Court on his claims of wide-ranging legal immunity by mere virtue of being president that looks like it’s coming early next week.