BREAKING: Bill Introduced To Immediately Repeal GOP Tax Cuts For 1% (DETAILS)


The Democrats must win the 2018 elections in November to begin to clean up all the destruction Donald Trump and his Republican robber barons in the House and Senate unleashed across the nation. The president has been signing executive orders to rescind every one of President Barack Obama’s executive orders. Thus far, no member of the GOP has had the spine to stand up to Trump, but there are a few shining heroes already beginning to emerge among the Democrats.

Jared Polis (D-CO) designed a bill to repeal the Republicans gift to the upper one percenters and huge corporations, aka the Republican tax cuts. The Republicans’ bill took money that Congress used to invest in Pell grants and from funds that were supposed to cut away at the $1.4 trillion student loan debt. Those loans have been crippling employees throughout their most productive work years.

Polis has served as the ranking Democrat on the Education and Workforce Committee’s subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development. He told The Hill that he blamed the Republicans for passing a bill “at the expense of everyone:”

‘The Republican tax plan was all about special interests cashing in at the expense of everyone else. My plan shows what a difference we can make for middle-class Americans for even less cost.’

Screen-Shot-2018-05-23-at-11.15.52-AM BREAKING: Bill Introduced To Immediately Repeal GOP Tax Cuts For 1% (DETAILS) Domestic Policy Donald Trump Economy Election 2018 Politics Top Stories

Polis spoke to that student loan debt, saying that people “work hard but still struggle,” according to Business Insider:

‘The Republican tax plan was all about special interests cashing in at the expense of everyone else. My plan shows what a difference we can make for middle-class Americans for even less cost. So many people go to school, get a job, and work hard but still struggle to get ahead because they are weighted down by student loans. It’s time to help them get out from the mountain of debt they are under.’

The Colorado congressman  wanted to start  bringing attention to how the working public got screwed when the Republicans passed the third “trickle down economics” bill. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush tried that tactic and failed.

The GOP clearly knows that trickle-down economics does not work. Certainly, Trump would not signed Polis’ law, because thus far, this bill has been the commander-in-chief’s greatest accomplishments.

Screen-Shot-2018-05-23-at-11.16.35-AM BREAKING: Bill Introduced To Immediately Repeal GOP Tax Cuts For 1% (DETAILS) Domestic Policy Donald Trump Economy Election 2018 Politics Top Stories

Polis will not be running for Congress in 2019, because he plans to run for governor of Colorado. He commented on his dedication to supporting students who are buried in debt:

‘The good news is if we repeal the Republicans’ sweetheart deals for corporations, we can cancel out all student loan debt, make college more affordable for future students, and still have money left over to reduce our deficit.’

What Polis’ bill showed was that the Democrats in the House and Senate are already in the midst of their strategy to make America work for the people, not the uncaring richest nor the soulless corporations. That means, we can start watching for the Democrats united in action, well before the 2018 elections.

Republicans intend to force a vote this summer to set the individual tax rates permanent.

Featured Image via Getty Images/Peter Kramer.